


I heard that Blog Park was attacked

Technology exchange community Blog Park is currently undergoing a large-scale CC attack. According to the message released by the Blog Park official account, a large-scale DDoS attack occurred last Friday, and a large-scale CC attack began today at 11:40.

CC attacks are mainly launched by zombie networks or scripts to paralyze servers with abnormally high-frequency requests. Currently, most of the observed CC attack initiators are overseas IP addresses. Therefore, Blog Park has taken technical measures to evade by intercepting requests from overseas.

However, not all requests come from overseas. For IP addresses from within the country, it is not feasible to simply block all of them, otherwise, users will also be unable to access normally. But the current situation is that the website cannot be opened, and everyone is unable to access.

It is worth noting that Blog Park also mentioned that during last year's attack, the attackers seemed to show some mercy. The attack occurred during the National Day holiday when the website traffic was low, so it did not cause too serious an impact.

This time, the attack chose to launch a DDoS attack on weekdays, rest on weekends, and launch a CC attack on Monday, causing a significant impact and forcing Blog Park to pay protection fees. However, everyone should also be aware of Blog Park's current financial situation. It is really difficult to get Blog Park to pay protection fees, so hopefully the attackers can let go.

Haven't you heard about Blog Park's difficulties? They are already struggling, and you still want to get protection fees from them? Why not come to China and see for yourself.

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