


The economic pressure will be greater next year.

Give up all the motivational quotes and stop comparing yourself to others.

  1. Give up motivational quotes
    The society today is not as the motivational quotes say it is. I want to ask, is helping the elderly on the street right? In today's society, that's wrong. Stop saying that doing good deeds will accumulate virtue; in today's society, you have to guard against many things. Even if you don't do anything, disasters can still fall upon you, like what happened to the cyclist in Hebei, ending up in prison?
  2. Stop comparing yourself to others
    If your family earns around 50,000 a year, don't compare yourself to families earning 2 million or 700,000 a year. In this society, without a family background, can you succeed? Jack Ma said he had no background and didn't like money, but what about that? What would Jack Ma tell you?
    Others are working hard; what about you? What are you working hard for? From morning till night, what are you thinking about? Others are thinking about how to make money. Don't look down on those scammers; they think every day about how to make money from others, it's just that the law doesn't allow it. They are working hard!
    How many companies have gone bankrupt in the second half of 2024? You can go check, especially construction companies and milk tea shops.
    This society is like this; it is no longer the illusory prosperity of before the pandemic. Now we pursue reality!!! Now we pursue reality!!! Now we pursue reality!!!
    Do you think you can rely on those motivational quotes?
    Stop dreaming and wake up.
    Be realistic!!!
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